European Strategies Consulting

Core Correctional Skills in Slovenia – The whole organization approach

From November 2022 to March 2023, European Strategies Consulting delivers intensive training to the Slovenian probation staff from all levels of the organization. The training includes: intensive training (on working alliance, pro-social modelling, problem-solving, motivational interviewing and cognitive behavioural interventions), supervised practice with trained coaches for three months and booster training. The technological transfer will […]

PREP – Prisoner reintegration through entrepreneurship and Psychology

PREP is an Erasmus+ project (KA220-ADU-A5190BFC) which aims to design and evaluate a new integrated approach to an entrepreneurship education program for prisoners. These programs are evidence-based approaches to reduce the recidivism rate among prisoners, but given that most entrepreneurial ideas fail, a program that solely focuses on business aspects is not enough for achieving […]

UpFamilies – Online resources to support prisoners’ families

        Despite the significant developments made in the Criminal Justice System field, namely investing in offenders’ social reintegration programmes during detention or community measures, little attention has been paid to prisoners’ families and their needs during the re- entry process. The experience of incarceration has a series of economic, social, and psychological […]

DIGICOR – Digitalisation in Corrections towards Recidivism Reduction

DIGICOR “Digitalisation in corrections towards reduced recidivism”, reference no. 2020-1-DE02-KA226-VET-00833 is a project financed by ERASMUS+ programme, KA2 – Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices, Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness. The COVID-19 pandemic appears to mark a far-reaching turning point for the relationship between prison administrations and technology. It offers a glimpse at a future configuration of prison […]


Developing a European framework for disengagement and reintegration of extremist offenders and radicalised individuals in prison, including returning foreign terrorist fighters and their families – EUTex is the first project dedicated to disengagement and reintegration of extremist offenders, including foreign fighters and their families. The aim of the project is to create a European framework […]

Training of Refugee Offenders by Virtual Reality

Objectives The aim of the present project is to close language barrier gap and provide rehabilitation for substance user refugee probationers developing a virtual reality programme to improve their coping skills (problem solving and emotion regulation skills). Substance use will be used as a sign of deficiency in coping skills; focus will be on teaching […]


Summary Among all Roma discrimination related fields of study, the one concerning offenders’ re-entry and social reintegration is the most neglected. Nonetheless literature is rich in demonstrating that different groups of prisoners experience re-entry in a specific way. There is no study available regarding how Roma experience reentry or desistance. Little is known about these […]

PRE-TRIAD Alternative PRE-TRIAl Detention measures: Judicial awareness and cooperation towards the realisation of common standards

Description By promoting judicial cooperation between EUMSs and raising policy makers and stakeholders’ awareness on the topic, Alternative PRE-TRIAl detention measures: Judicial awareness and cooperation towards the realisation of common standards (PRE-TRIAD) project aims to build the groundwork for the realisation of common standards with respect to fundamental rights on the practical application of PTD […]


The main goal of the project is to develop and transfer innovative practices designed to increase the implementation of alternative measures in prisons for juveniles and young offenders. Objectives The project will build on the existing good practices, develop them, evaluate them in different cultural and judicial contexts and extrapolate them at the European level. […]

Bringing Safety on the Roads – BriSaR

Synopsis The BriSaR project focuses on adapting an existing programme in Portugal (STOP) and update it in line with the research evidence and offender expectations. The project will support correctional staff in prison and probation settings to work more effectively with those offenders who have been sentenced for road offences. Objectives The aim of this […]