European Strategies Consulting

DIGICOR “Digitalisation in corrections towards reduced recidivism”, reference no. 2020-1-DE02-KA226-VET-00833 is a project financed by ERASMUS+ programme, KA2 – Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices, Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness.

The COVID-19 pandemic appears to mark a far-reaching turning point for the relationship between prison administrations and technology. It offers a glimpse at a future configuration of prison management services focused on the individual through technological solutions. DIGICOR is closely linked to the idea that the digitalisation momentum derived from the pandemic crisis must not be ignored but instead supported.

This initiative focuses on fostering inmate education, employability, and contact with the outside world using digital literacy as a core driver for the success of this transformation. Considering prison staff’s intermediary role between inmates and technological solutions, DIGICOR aims to provide training to correctional professionals to exponentially decrease recidivism rates. DIGICOR seeks to enhance educational/training staff, technicians, and prison officers’ digital skills through technology to improve inmates’ rehabilitation.

Our objectives are to:

  • Create (and raise) awareness on the importance of modern-day technology to prisons and on how it positively impacts inmates’ capacity to be fully reintegrated into society.
  • Develop a training programme for prison administrations, officers, and educational/training staff focused on the adoption of technology-based solutions (b-learning course and train the trainer course).
  • Support and enhance resource and technical knowledge exchanges between European organisations, thus fostering durable networking opportunities.
  • Develop the tools for decision-makers, prison staff, and stakeholders, able to understand the advantages (and risks) of each solution, as well as their impact on inmates reintegration process (an online repository of prison technology development).
  • Develop a roadmap with guidelines to support prisons and probation digital transformation, counting with experts’ inputs to guarantee tailor-made programmes.

For more information on DIGICOR project, please visit