The aim of the present project is to close language barrier gap and provide rehabilitation for substance user refugee probationers developing a virtual reality programme to improve their coping skills (problem solving and emotion regulation skills). Substance use will be used as a sign of deficiency in coping skills; focus will be on teaching coping skills rather than dealing with substance use behavior.
Therefore, substance user refugees in probation system will cope with stress, and it will protect them to reuse substance.
Expected Outcomes
- Need analysis and literature review
- VR software programme for refugee offenders, developing methodology of using VR technology in skill teaching and adapting the newly structured system into probation fields as a new methodology
- User’s manual for the use of VR scenarios.
- Training for probation experts on how to use newly structured virtual reality technology to teach the refugee probationers
- Pilot study
Bașkent University, Turkey
Ankara Probation Directorate, Turkey
IPS_Innovative Prison Systems, Portugal
European Strategies Consulting, Romania
KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
30 months
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