Strengthening the capacity of criminal justice professionals and volunteer
The RE[ENTER] project focuses on the exchange of good practices concerning psychoeducational tools that have the potential to contribute to the capacity building of correctional staff (prison and probation officers, ONG professionals, volunteers) who work with offenders(both prisoners and ex-prisoners). Hence, this project aims to fill the gapthat emerges from the lack of effective services provided to (ex-)inmates by sharing knowledge and experiences to map effective programmes and by training trainers in order for them to be able to implement those programmes.
- To capacitate professionals working in prison and probation settings (prison and probation staff, ONGs, and volunteers) so that they achieve the necessary knowledge and tools to boost their efficacy regarding the reintegration of the offenders they work with;
- To explore innovative tools in the fields of psychoeducation, employment counseling, ethics, case management and supervision;
- To maximize the benefits of the training process for the prisoners;
- To exchange good practices among partners, and to provide more efficient, credible and valid services to prisoners and ex-prisoners;
- To develop and publish open access materials that would allow the professionals’ working skills and performance towards offender reintegration;
- To contribute to social change.
Expected outcomes
- A capacity-building programme that will be delivered to 450 professionals working in prison and probation settings (prison and probation staff, ONGs, and volunteers);
- A set of innovative psychoeducational, employment counseling, ethics, case management, and supervision tools;
- The exchange of good practices among partners, namely experience-sharing in the scope of the training activities, regarding the implementation of programmes which include:
- Professional orientation and labor rights programmes – good practices (e.g. creation of social integration cooperatives)
- Psycho-educational programmes – good practices (e.g. anger management, moral discussion groups)
- Educational programmes aimed at learning skills
- Preparation of release
- Preparation of the family for the return of the prisoner
- Structured training curricula as well as learning tools for more efficient, credible and valid services to prisoners and ex-prisoners;
- An open access material intended at enhancing the professionals’ working skills and performance towards offender reintegration will be published after the completion of the project.
IPS_Innovative Prison Systems, Portugal
Fundación Diagrama Intervención Psicosocial, Spain
Cirie Settimo Chivasso Territorial Committee, Italy
Citizens In Power, Cyprus
University of Thessaly, Greece
SILTA Valmennus (Coaching), Finland
Asociația Județeană Sportul Pentru Toți Suceava, Romania
European Strategies Consulting, Romania
KA2: Strategic Partnerships for adult education
Timeframe 01/10/2018 – 30/09/2020 (24 months)
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