The main goal of the project is to develop and transfer innovative practices designed to increase the implementation of alternative measures in prisons for juveniles and young offenders.
The project will build on the existing good practices, develop them, evaluate them in different cultural and judicial contexts and extrapolate them at the European level.
A more active dialogue with the policymakers in order to achieve permanent policy changes in a positive way.
Expected Outcomes
- improve and extend the supply of high quality learning opportunities tailored to the needs of individual low-skilled or low-qualified adults so that they enhance their literacy, key competences and progress towards higher qualifications;
- facilitate access to up-skilling pathways by making available skills identification and screening, learning offers adapted to individual learning needs;
- increase demand and take-up through effective outreach, guidance and motivation strategies which encourage low-skilled or low-qualified adults, to develop and upgrade their literacy and skills and progress towards higher qualifications;
- extend and develop competences, particularly in the effective exploitation of use of new rehabilitative tools and approaches;
- develop mechanisms to monitor the effectiveness of programs;
- ensure the involvement of the community through activation of the civil society (volunteers) and to achieve to bring professionals and volunteers into a closer cooperation as well as to raise community’s awareness about the benefits of the particular project.
Freedom Gate, Greece
- Greek Probation Services
- Fundación Diagrama Intervención Psicosocial (Spain)
- UISP Comitato Territoriale Cirie Settimo Chivasso (Italy)
- Silta-Valmennusyhdistys ry (Finland)
- Asociația Județeană Sportul Pentru Toți Suceava (Romania)
- European Strategies Consulting (Romania)
- UPSDA United Professionals for Sustainable Development Association (Bulgaria)
- Courage Foundation (Bulgaria)
KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Time frame
01/09/2019 – 31/08/2021 (24 months)
Literature review; Practices such as the ones implemented in Finland (e.g. integrating treatment programs into the community service plan) or in Romania (e.g. mixing community service with ecology).
Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/chanceerasmus/